- Home
- News
- Elliott Carter Studies Online
- Elliott Carter Scores Win Paul Revere Awards
- Jay Campbell reviewed in the New York Times
- Rave review for The Pacifica Quartet's performances of Carter, Janáček, and Beethoven
- New production of Elliott Carter & Paul Griffiths's opera What Next?
- In Conversation with John Link
- Elliott Carter, Commander in the French Legion of Honor
- Elliott Carter, Composer Who Decisively Snapped Tradition, Dies at 103
- Alan Baker Interviews Elliott Carter
- Elliott Carter Studies
- Nancy Yunhwa Rao on Elliott Carter's String Quartet No. 1
- Double Trio in Singapore
- A "provocative" program in Dallas
- From 100 to 103: The Wisdom of Elliott Carter
- IRCAM posts audio from the 2008 Hommage à Elliott Carter conference
- Collage New Music's all-Carter Concert
- Collage New Music: A Conversation on Elliott Carter
- Collage Commemorates Carter
- What Next? in Duisburg: "Junge Opernregisseure liefern gelungenes Debüt ab"
- Review of NZTrio's performance of Carter's Epigrams
- Elliott on Your Coffee Table
- Now Streaming: Bridget Kibbey & James Austin Smith play Trilogy
- What Next? - In Search of the "Great American Opera"
- Harpist Bridget Kibbey plays Carter at the 2016 VIVO Music Festival
- Penthode at the Proms Streaming Now
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras, streaming now from SWR
- Music to Carry You Through
- Playing Carter in Afghanistan
- Conrad Tao Goes Deep
- Carter Brey Speaks Volumes
- A striking performance from percussionist Colin Currie
- Elliott Carter streaming on InstantEncore
- Newly engraved parts for Elliott Carter's Variations for Orchestra
- Carter on Contact!
- Amernet String Quartet plays Carter
- Elliott Carter Memorial Concert Streaming on WQXR
- The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra streams Carter
- Carter at the New York Philharmonic's CONTACT Series
- Ursula Oppens on WGBH for Carter's 100th Birthday
- Elliott Carter Studies now out in paperback
- Palimpsest plays Penthode (review by Marcus Overton)
- Talea Ensemble Plays Triple Duo in Russia (video)
- Martin Adamek plays Gra (video)
- Elena Bashkirova plays Intermittences (audio stream)
- Elliott Carter on Timeline
- New Recording of Elliott Carter Late Works
- Elliott Carter Broadcast on BBC Radio 3
- Elliott Carter Late Works: "Constant surprises and explosive energy" (review)
- Elliott Carter Late Works is "Recording of the Month" on MusicWeb International (review)
- JACK Quartet plays Carter (review)
- The Late Elliott Carter
- Carter's Continuing Presence
- Carter Late Works recording nominated for 2018 ICMA Award
- Carter Late Works is Presto Recordings of the Year 2017 finalist
- Carter Late Works is Gramophone Critic's Choice
- Hommage à Elliott Carter - Ensemble Intercontemporain
- "One of the most energising musical occasions in years."
- Miranda Cuckson: Insible Colors – works by Wolpe, Carter, Ferneyhough
- Elliott Carter Late Works wins BBC Music Magazine's 2018 Premiere Jury Award
- Pianist Conrad Tao "steals the show" with his performance of Carter's Caténaires
- Mari Asakawa's The Flow of Music: Piano works of Carter & Babbitt
- L’energia pura dell’ultimo Carter
- Ondine recording of Carter Late Works shortlisted for the 2018 Gramophone Classical Music Awards
- David Schiff's Carter now available
- John Garratt reviews David Schiff's Carter
- Journée Elliott Carter
- Elliott Carter Studies Online, volume 3
- JACK Quartet Carter Marathon review
- JACK Quartet Digital Residency at Library of Congress
- New Ballet Recordings on BMOP/sound
- John Link Interviewed on The BRIDGE Podcast w/ John Lamberton
- Elliott Carter Studies Online, volume 4
- Elliott Carter’s Late Music Now Available
- Amphion Foundation Relaunches Carter Special Grant Program
- Remembering Elliott Carter After 10 Years
- Elliott Carter Speaks Review in MTO
- Phil Lesh, 1940-2024
- Compositions
- Biography
- Tributes
- Events
- Pocahontas (World Premiere, with piano)
- Tarantella (World Premiere)
- Tarantella (World Premiere, orchestral version)
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine (World Premiere)
- Pocahontas (World Premiere, with orchestra)
- The Defense of Corinth (World Premiere)
- Symphony No. 1 (World Premiere)
- Pastoral (World Premiere, English horn and piano)
- The Harmony of Morning (World Premiere)
- Musicians Wrestle Everywhere - broadcast premiere
- Musicians Wrestle Everywhere - concert premiere
- Elegy (World Premiere, string quartet)
- Warble for Lilac Time (World Premiere)
- Piano Sonata (Broadcast Premiere)
- Piano Sonata (Concert Premiere)
- Voyage & Warble (World Premieres)
- The Minotaur (World Premiere)
- Woodwind Quintet (World Premiere)
- Cello Sonata (World Premiere)
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 1 (World Premiere)
- Elegy (World Premiere, string orchestra)
- Variations for Orchestra (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 2 (World Premiere)
- Double Concerto (World Premiere)
- Elegy (World Premiere, viola and piano)
- Piano Concerto (World Premiere)
- Concerto for Orchestra (World Premiere)
- Canon for 3 (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 3 (World Premiere)
- Brass Quintet (Broadcast Premiere)
- A Fantasy about Purcell's "Fantasia upon One Note" (World Premiere)
- Duo for Violin and Piano (World Premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell (World Premiere)
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras (World Premiere)
- Glock Birthday Fanfare (World Premiere)
- Syringa (World Premiere)
- Night Fantasies premiere - Oppens
- Night Fantasies premiere - Rosen
- Night Fantasies premiere - Jacobs
- In Sleep, in Thunder (World Premiere)
- Night Fantasies premiere - Kalish
- Triple Duo (World Premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder (French premiere)
- Changes (German premiere tbc)
- Changes
- Triple Duo (Japanese premiere)
- Changes
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Changes
- Triple Duo
- Penthode (US premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William (Danish premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William (Swedish premiere)
- Triple Duo (Swedish premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi (Swiss premiere tbc)
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Changes
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Changes
- Changes
- Triple Duo
- Penthode
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4 (World Premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo (Polish premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi (Polish premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Penthode (French premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4 (New York premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- String Quartet No. 4 (US West Coast premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (New York premiere tbc)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo (Finnish premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (US premiere)
- Penthode
- Changes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (World Premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Triple Duo
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 4 (European premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (New York premiere)
- Penthode (Dutch premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (European premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4 (Dutch premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (Dutch premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (UK premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Changes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- String Quartet No. 4 (Italian premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4 (German premiere)
- Penthode
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- String Quartet No. 4
- Changes (Danish premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- String Quartet No. 4 (Portugese premiere)
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4 (Swiss premiere)
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- Penthode
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (Italian premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4 (Canadian premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- String Quartet No. 4 (French premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Triple Duo
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4 (Spanish premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4 (Austrian premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes (World Premiere)
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Changes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- Oboe Concerto (World Premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes (UK premiere)
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 4
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 4
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance (World Premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Triple Duo
- Birthday Flourish (World Premiere)
- Birthday Flourish
- Birthday Flourish
- Birthday Flourish
- Penthode
- Penthode (German premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo (Hungarian premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Oboe Concerto (German premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes (German premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance (European premiere)
- Oboe Concerto (US premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Oboe Concerto
- String Quartet No. 4
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Oboe Concerto
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto (New York premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Oboe Concerto
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Oboe Concerto
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Oboe Concerto (UK premiere)
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- String Quartet No. 4
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (German premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Oboe Concerto (French premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Triple Duo
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Birthday Flourish (World premiere of version)
- Remembrance
- Remembrance
- String Quartet No. 4
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 4
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 4
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Oboe Concerto (Dutch premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (Swiss premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Remembrance (Swiss premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Birthday Flourish
- Enchanted Preludes
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance (London premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- String Quartet No. 4
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes (French premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes (Australian premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (Italian premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder (Italian premiere)
- Penthode (Italian premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Anniversary (World Premiere)
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Three Occasions for Orchestra (World Premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Triple Duo
- Birthday Flourish
- Triple Duo
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Changes
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Anniversary (US premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Triple Duo
- Anniversary
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Triple Duo
- Anniversary
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Remembrance
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Anniversary
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Triple Duo
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Changes
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Changes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Penthode
- Triple Duo
- Birthday Flourish
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Birthday Flourish
- Birthday Flourish
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes (Canadian premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 4
- Violin Concerto (World Premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- In Sleep, in Thunder (Australian premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- Violin Concerto
- Penthode
- Enchanted Preludes
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 4
- Three Occasions for Orchestra (German premiere)
- Violin Concerto (German premiere)
- Penthode
- Enchanted Preludes
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Enchanted Preludes
- Remembrance
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Enchanted Preludes
- Remembrance
- Three Occasions for Orchestra (Austrian premiere)
- Violin Concerto (Austrian premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Penthode (Austrian premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Violin Concerto (French premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (Austrian premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes (Austrian premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi (Austrian premiere)
- Triple Duo (Austrian premiere)
- Changes (Austrian premiere)
- Oboe Concerto (Austrian premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Violin Concerto (Dutch premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Triple Duo
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Anniversary (French premiere)
- Anniversary
- String Quartet No. 4
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (UK premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- Violin Concerto (UK premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Triple Duo
- Penthode (Belgian premiere)
- Changes
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- Violin Concerto (Belgian premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Changes
- Violin Concerto (USSR premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Oboe Concerto
- String Quartet No. 4
- Oboe Concerto
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Triple Duo
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Changes
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Enchanted Preludes
- Scrivo in Vento (World Premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Oboe Concerto (Belgian premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (Swiss premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Scrivo in Vento (US premiere)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (French premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- String Quartet No. 4
- Violin Concerto
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Violin Concerto
- Scrivo in Vento (German premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto (New York premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Enchanted Preludes
- Violin Concerto (Danish premiere)
- Penthode
- Triple Duo
- Violin Concerto (Swiss premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento
- Anniversary (Dutch premiere)
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Oboe Concerto (Swedish premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Changes
- Three Occasions for Orchestra (Swiss premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Bariolage (World Premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- Bariolage (US premiere)
- Penthode
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (Finnish premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento (Finnish premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Inner Song (World Premiere)
- Three Occasions for Orchestra (Portugese premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- In Sleep, in Thunder (Portugese premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Scrivo in Vento
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Scrivo in Vento (UK premiere)
- Trilogy (World Premiere)
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Inner Song
- Quintet for piano and winds (World Premiere)
- Inner Song (UK premiere)
- Quintet for piano and winds (UK premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Inner Song (US premiere)
- Violin Concerto (Norwegian premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Scrivo in Vento
- Trilogy
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William (Austrian premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento (Austrian premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (Irish premiere)
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Scrivo in Vento
- Scrivo in Vento
- Birthday Flourish
- Changes
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes
- Oboe Concerto
- Scrivo in Vento
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Oboe Concerto
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Oboe Concerto
- Remembrance
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Scrivo in Vento
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Triple Duo
- Oboe Concerto (Finnish premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Penthode
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 4
- Quintet for piano and winds (Italian premiere)
- Violin Concerto (Australian premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Changes (Dutch premiere)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (Dutch premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (Dutch premiere)
- Inner Song (Dutch premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento (Dutch premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Gra (World Premiere)
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds (French premiere)
- Trilogy (French premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Penthode
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Bariolage (UK premiere)
- Immer Neu
- Trilogy (UK premiere complete)
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and winds (US premiere)
- Trilogy (US premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Triple Duo
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Trilogy
- Oboe Concerto
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Quintet for piano and winds (Austrian premiere)
- Trilogy
- Triple Duo
- Changes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Triple Duo
- Changes
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Symphonia: Partita (World Premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita
- Symphonia: Partita
- Oboe Concerto (Italian premiere)
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Bariolage
- Gra (UK premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Symphonia: Partita
- Symphonia: Partita (New York premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita (French premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita (German premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita
- Symphonia: Partita (UK premiere)
- Bariolage
- 90+ (World Premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Gra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Scrivo in Vento
- Triple Duo
- Fragment No. 1 (World Premiere)
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Fragment No. 1 (Spanish premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Trilogy
- In Sleep, in Thunder (Spanish premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and winds (Spanish premiere)
- Gra
- Penthode
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Triple Duo (Spanish premiere)
- 90+
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Penthode
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- 90+ (US premiere)
- String Quartet No. 4
- Enchanted Preludes
- Trilogy (Dutch premiere)
- 90+
- 90+
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- 90+
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Oboe Concerto
- Remembrance
- 90+
- 90+ (UK premiere)
- Fragment No. 1
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Scrivo in Vento
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 4
- Symphonia: Partita (Finnish premiere)
- 90+
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (World Premiere)
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- 90+
- Symphonia: Partita
- Symphonia: Partita
- Symphonia: Partita
- Figment (World Premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita
- Enchanted Preludes
- Inner Song
- Scrivo in Vento
- Symphonia: Partita (Japanese premiere)
- Changes
- 90+ (French premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Trilogy
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (UK premiere)
- Gra
- Fragment No. 1 (UK premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love (World Premiere)
- 90+
- Penthode
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso (World Premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love
- String Quartet No. 5 (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5 (French premiere of ballet)
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso (French premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita
- Violin Concerto
- Symphonia: Partita (Dutch premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso (US premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita (Canadian premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 5 (US premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Of Challenge and of Love (London premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 1 (Greek premiere)
- 90+
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment
- Triple Duo
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso (Dutch premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Gra
- 90+
- Scrivo in Vento
- Penthode (tbc)
- Trilogy
- Enchanted Preludes
- String Quartet No. 5 (UK premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love (French premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5 (Danish premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Scrivo in Vento
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Scrivo in Vento
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Fragment No. 1
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Triple Duo
- Bariolage
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (French premiere)
- Bariolage
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- String Quartet No. 5 (Israeli premiere)
- Figment
- 90+
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (New York premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Scrivo in Vento
- Of Challenge and of Love (US premiere)
- Fragment No. 1
- Figment (Austrian premiere)
- A 6 Letter Letter (World Premiere)
- 90+ (German premiere)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Fragment No. 1 (German premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- String Quartet No. 5 (German premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- Figment (UK premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento
- Enchanted Preludes
- Fragment No. 1 (Canadian premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5 (Dutch premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 5 (Portugese premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5 (London premiere)
- Figment
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 5 (Swiss premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Triple Duo
- A 6 Letter Letter (UK premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Gra
- Gra
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Trilogy
- Figment
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso (German premiere)
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (German premiere)
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- String Quartet No. 5
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Penthode
- String Quartet No. 5
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Trilogy
- Penthode
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Premiere of Clarinet Concerto
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Clarinet Concerto (World Premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Inner Song
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment
- Changes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Trilogy
- Trilogy
- Scrivo in Vento
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Scrivo in Vento
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- Figment (Belgian premiere)
- Gra (Belgian premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Inner Song
- Gra (French premiere)
- Gra - trombone version (French premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Scrivo in Vento
- Clarinet Concerto
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- String Quartet No. 5
- Triple Duo
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole (World Premiere)
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Triple Duo
- Shard (World Premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love (Finnish premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- 90+
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole (UK premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5 (Italian premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto (Italian premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- A 6 Letter Letter (US premiere)
- Violin Concerto
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Scrivo in Vento
- String Quartet No. 5
- Of Challenge and of Love (tbc)
- String Quartet No. 5 (Japanese premiere)
- Figment
- Fragment No. 1
- String Quartet No. 5
- Violin Concerto
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- 90+
- Triple Duo
- Scrivo in Vento
- Figment
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Clarinet Concerto (UK premiere)
- Shard
- String Quartet No. 5
- Shard
- Harvest Home
- Let's Be Gay
- 90+
- Clarinet Concerto (Dutch premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Penthode
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Shard
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Luimen (World Premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Luimen
- Bariolage
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment
- Of Challenge and of Love
- String Quartet No. 5
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Triple Duo
- 90+
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Gra
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Clarinet Concerto (German premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto (US premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (World premiere complete)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Figment
- Trilogy
- Clarinet Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Symphonia: Partita
- Changes
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Figment
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Oboe Concerto
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (Italian premiere)
- Triple Duo
- A 6 Letter Letter (Italian premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Trilogy
- Of Challenge and of Love (Italian premiere)
- 90+
- Figment
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Luimen (UK premiere)
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Figment
- 90+
- Figment
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- 90+
- Figment
- Figment
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- 90+
- Enchanted Preludes
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 5
- Figment
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Clarinet Concerto
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Clarinet Concerto (Canadian premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Shard
- Clarinet Concerto
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Figment
- Gra
- Gra
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Shard
- Enchanted Preludes
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Clarinet Concerto
- Gra
- Luimen (US premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Penthode
- Luimen
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+
- String Quartet No. 5
- Clarinet Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Of Challenge and of Love
- String Quartet No. 5
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole (New York premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Quintet for piano and string quartet (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Clarinet Concerto
- Enchanted Preludes
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Clarinet Concerto
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Triple Duo
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Bariolage
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Fragment No. 1
- Quintet for piano and string quartet (European premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (London premiere)
- 90+
- Fragment No. 1
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+ (Belgian premiere)
- Figment
- Fragment No. 1
- Quintet for piano and string quartet (Belgian premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5 (Belgian premiere)
- Luimen (German premiere)
- Luimen
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- 90+
- Fragment No. 1
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (German premiere)
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Scrivo in Vento
- 90+
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Gra
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- 90+
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Changes
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Luimen
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Trilogy
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Changes
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Luimen
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Trilogy
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Quintet for piano and string quartet (French premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento
- Inner Song (Italian premiere)
- Figment
- Inner Song
- Changes
- String Quartet No. 5
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- String Quartet No. 5
- Triple Duo
- Shard
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Luimen (London premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Statement—Remembering Aaron (World Premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Luimen
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Fragment No. 2 (World Premiere)
- Penthode
- Statement—Remembering Aaron (German premiere)
- Figment
- Inner Song
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Triple Duo
- What Next? (World Premiere)
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Gra
- Luimen
- Clarinet Concerto (Norwegian premiere)
- Changes
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Changes
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- 90+
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Statement—Remembering Aaron (UK premiere)
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Inner Song
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 5
- Shard (UK premiere)
- What Next?
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Inner Song
- Gra
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- What Next? (US premiere)
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Two Diversions (World Premiere)
- What Next?
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Enchanted Preludes
- String Quartet No. 5
- Penthode
- Enchanted Preludes
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- String Quartet No. 5
- What Next?
- Changes
- Retrouvailles (World Premiere)
- What Next?
- Penthode
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (Swiss premiere)
- 90+
- Asko Concerto (World Premiere)
- Penthode
- Luimen (Swedish premiere tbc)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Asko Concerto (UK premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi (World Premiere)
- 90+
- Enchanted Preludes
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- 90+
- Two Diversions (UK premiere)
- Retrouvailles (US premiere)
- Penthode
- Gra
- Fragment No. 2 (UK premiere)
- Shard
- Retrouvailles (New Zealand premiere)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Asko Concerto (US premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi (US premiere)
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Two Diversions
- Retrouvailles
- Asko Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- What Next? (Dutch premiere concert performance)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- Symphonia: Partita
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Tempo e Tempi
- Triple Duo
- What Next? (French premiere concert performance)
- What Next?
- Luimen
- Retrouvailles
- Luimen
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Luimen
- Scrivo in Vento
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Inner Song
- Asko Concerto
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Changes
- Shard
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Trilogy
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tempo e Tempi
- Figment
- Gra
- Clarinet Concerto (Belgian premiere)
- Gra
- Clarinet Concerto
- Fragment No. 2
- Retrouvailles
- Rhapsodic Musings (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Clarinet Concerto
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- What Next? (UK concert premiere)
- Figment
- Shard
- Asko Concerto (Swedish premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Asko Concerto
- Two Diversions
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and string quartet (Canadian premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Gra (Irish premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Tempo e Tempi (Irish premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Inner Song
- Luimen
- Penthode
- Tempo e Tempi
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Inner Song
- Inner Song
- Gra
- Gra
- Asko Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Asko Concerto (Japanese premiere)
- Asko Concerto (Swiss premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Figment
- Oboe Quartet (World Premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Trilogy
- Bariolage
- Symphonia: Partita
- 90+
- Oboe Concerto
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Asko Concerto
- Symphonia: Partita
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Cello Concerto (World Premiere)
- Figment
- Triple Duo
- Cello Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Cello Concerto
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Clarinet Concerto (Finnish premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- 4 Lauds
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- 90+
- 4 Lauds (US premiere complete)
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Steep Steps (World Premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Cello Concerto (New York premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Asko Concerto (French premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives (World Premiere)
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger (Italian premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi (Italian premiere)
- Statement—Remembering Aaron (Italian premiere)
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Hiyoku (World Premiere)
- Steep Steps (European premiere)
- Asko Concerto (New York premiere)
- Oboe Quartet (US premiere)
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Asko Concerto
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- 4 Lauds
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (US premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Bariolage
- Luimen
- String Quartet No. 5
- Changes
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Triple Duo
- 4 Lauds
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Figment
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Luimen
- Tempo e Tempi (Dutch premiere)
- 4 Lauds
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Figment
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Luimen
- Shard
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tempo e Tempi
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment
- Fragment No. 1
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Oboe Quartet (Belgian premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi (Belgian premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- 4 Lauds
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Figment
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Luimen
- Tempo e Tempi
- Two Diversions
- Scrivo in Vento
- Two Diversions
- Two Diversions
- Quintet for piano and winds
- What Next? (Belgian premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Steep Steps
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Tempo e Tempi
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Tempo e Tempi
- Asko Concerto
- Bariolage
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Hiyoku (US premiere)
- Luimen
- Triple Duo
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment
- Asko Concerto (Czech premiere)
- Bariolage
- Au Quai (World Premiere)
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- 4 Lauds
- Cello Concerto (European premiere)
- Oboe Quartet (German premiere)
- Steep Steps (Swedish premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Oboe Quartet
- Triple Duo
- Au Quai (US premiere)
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Tempo e Tempi
- Cello Concerto (Finnish premiere)
- Gra
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Concerto
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Au Quai (New York premiere)
- Retracing (World Premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Inner Song
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Figment
- Au Quai
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Inner Song
- Steep Steps (Irish premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Violin Concerto (Eire premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Oboe Quartet (UK premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Violin Concerto
- Asko Concerto (South Korean premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Tempo e Tempi
- Boston Concerto (World Premiere)
- Boston Concerto
- Boston Concerto
- Asko Concerto (Portugese premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Harvest Home
- Tempo e Tempi
- Of Rewaking (World Premiere)
- Of Rewaking
- Of Rewaking
- Penthode
- Cello Concerto (Dutch premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Clarinet Concerto
- Boston Concerto (European premiere)
- Cello Concerto
- Of Rewaking
- Steep Steps
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Gra
- 4 Lauds
- Oboe Quartet (Italian premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Cello Concerto (Swiss premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Two Diversions (Italian premiere)
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Triple Duo
- Boston Concerto (Dutch premiere)
- Boston Concerto
- Of Challenge and of Love
- 90+
- Retrouvailles
- Asko Concerto (Belgian premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Figment
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- 4 Lauds
- 4 Lauds
- 4 Lauds
- 4 Lauds
- Scrivo in Vento
- A 6 Letter Letter
- 90+
- Boston Concerto (Scottish premiere)
- Retrouvailles
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- String Quartet No. 5
- Au Quai
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 5
- 4 Lauds
- Figment
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- Micomicón (World Premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita
- Micomicón
- Symphonia: Partita
- Micomicón
- Symphonia: Partita
- Dialogues (World Premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Oboe Concerto (Norwegian premiere)
- Fragment No. 1
- Oboe Quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tempo e Tempi
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Au Quai
- Figment (Portugese premiere)
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives (Portugese premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Violin Concerto (Italian premiere)
- Inner Song
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Inner Song
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- String Quartet No. 5
- Cello Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Luimen
- Luimen
- Luimen
- Inner Song
- Call (World Premiere)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Gra
- Hiyoku
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Two Diversions
- Enchanted Preludes
- Hiyoku (German premiere)
- Dialogues (US premiere)
- Triple Duo (Israeli premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento
- Scrivo in Vento
- Of Rewaking (European premiere)
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Two Diversions
- Oboe Quartet
- Enchanted Preludes
- Dialogues (Italian premiere)
- Of Rewaking (German premiere)
- Of Rewaking
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- String Quartet No. 5
- Changes
- Luimen
- Shard
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues (French premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Dialogues (Swiss premiere)
- Micomicón
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Micomicón
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Micomicón
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- String Quartet No. 5
- Of Challenge and of Love
- String Quartet No. 5
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues (Dutch premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- Of Challenge and of Love
- String Quartet No. 5
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Enchanted Preludes
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Micomicón (UK premiere)
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Luimen
- Réflexions (World Premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Réflexions (German premiere)
- Réflexions
- Hiyoku
- Oboe Quartet
- Tempo e Tempi
- Réflexions
- Réflexions (Dutch premiere)
- Mosaic (World Premiere)
- Scrivo in Vento (South Korean premiere)
- Dialogues
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Retrouvailles
- Triple Duo
- Two Diversions
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Oboe Quartet
- Dialogues
- Gra
- Triple Duo
- Oboe Quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Boston Concerto
- Dialogues
- Boston Concerto
- Dialogues
- Boston Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto (Portugese premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Clarinet Concerto
- Oboe Quartet
- Tempo e Tempi (French premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Tempo e Tempi
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Fragment No. 1
- Gra
- String Quartet No. 5
- Triple Duo
- Gra
- Steep Steps
- Two Diversions
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Dialogues
- Symphonia: Adagio tenebroso
- Symphonia: Partita
- Enchanted Preludes
- Dialogues (Japanese premiere)
- 4 Lauds
- Inner Song
- Oboe Quartet
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Dialogues (Austrian premiere)
- Mosaic
- Asko Concerto
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Two Diversions
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Scrivo in Vento
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Boston Concerto (French premiere)
- Fragment No. 2
- Of Rewaking (French premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Dialogues
- Inner Song
- Soundings (World Premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (World Premiere)
- Soundings
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Soundings
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Trilogy
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (New York premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Dialogues
- Réflexions (UK premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Dialogues (New York premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Scrivo in Vento
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- Soundings (New York premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Oboe Quartet
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Boston Concerto
- Boston Concerto
- Boston Concerto
- Penthode (Malaysian premiere)
- Gra
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Scrivo in Vento
- Steep Steps
- Penthode
- 4 Lauds
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Gra
- Harvest Home
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Scrivo in Vento
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine
- Musicians Wrestle Everywhere
- Emblems
- To Music
- Piano Concerto
- Night Fantasies
- Variations for Orchestra
- Symphony No. 1
- Clarinet Concerto
- Of Rewaking
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- String Quartet No. 1
- Holiday Overture
- Variations for Orchestra
- Double Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras
- The Minotaur Suite from the Ballet
- Symphony No. 1
- Night Fantasies
- Piano Sonata
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Asko Concerto (Spanish premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto (Swedish premiere)
- Soundings (European premiere)
- Soundings
- 90+
- Piano Concerto
- Piano Concerto
- 90+
- Dialogues
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- 4 Lauds
- Mosaic (Swiss premiere)
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Variations for Orchestra
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- String Quartet No. 4
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- String Quartet No. 4
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Holiday Overture
- Variations for Orchestra
- 90+
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Retrouvailles
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Two Diversions
- Au Quai
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Gra
- Luimen
- Penthode
- Scrivo in Vento
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Penthode
- Tempo e Tempi
- Mosaic
- Mosaic (Dutch premiere)
- Mosaic
- Mosaic
- Cello Concerto (French premiere)
- Mosaic (Spanish premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Intermittences (World Premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Intermittences (New York premiere)
- Intermittences
- Tempo e Tempi
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues (Spanish premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues (Portugese premiere)
- Intermittences (German premiere)
- Steep Steps
- Hiyoku
- Dialogues (Canadian premiere)
- Intermittences
- Mosaic (Canadian premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Soundings
- The Harmony of Morning
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- What Next? (US staged premiere)
- What Next?
- Mosaic (Australian premiere)
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Dialogues
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- In the Distances of Sleep (World Premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Hiyoku
- String Quartet No. 5
- Asko Concerto
- The Harmony of Morning
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Intermittences
- Inner Song
- Inner Song
- Inner Song
- Inner Song
- Clarinet Concerto
- Inner Song
- Scrivo in Vento
- Inner Song
- Intermittences
- The Harmony of Morning
- Tempo e Tempi
- Penthode
- Intermittences
- Caténaires (World Premiere)
- Intermittences
- Tempo e Tempi
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Clarinet Concerto
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- 4 Lauds
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Oboe Quartet
- Trilogy
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Caténaires (European premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Caténaires (Belgian premiere)
- Intermittences (Belgian premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Boston Concerto (German premiere)
- In the Distances of Sleep (European premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (Dutch premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Enchanted Preludes
- 90+
- Intermittences
- Bariolage
- Changes
- Dialogues
- Symphonia: Partita
- Fragment No. 2
- HBHH (World Premiere)
- Dialogues
- Caténaires
- Intermittences
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- 90+
- Voyage
- Triple Duo
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Intermittences
- Caténaires
- Intermittences
- Two Diversions
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (European premiere)
- Matribute (World Premiere)
- Caténaires (Swiss premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (German premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (UK premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Asko Concerto (Polish premiere)
- Dialogues (Polish premiere)
- Symphony No. 1
- Symphony No. 1
- Symphony No. 1
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Réflexions (Swiss premiere)
- La Musique (World Premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Clarinet Concerto (Latvian premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Tempo e Tempi
- Soundings (Austrian premiere)
- Horn Concerto (World Premiere)
- Horn Concerto
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Horn Concerto
- What Next? (Premiere of new production)
- 4 Lauds
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Au Quai
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Luimen
- What Next? (New York premiere of version)
- Au Quai
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Luimen
- What Next?
- Au Quai
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Luimen
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Au Quai
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Luimen
- What Next?
- Penthode
- Réflexions (Austrian premiere)
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Mosaic (German premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- String Quartet No. 5
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Anniversary
- Dialogues
- Oboe Concerto (Spanish premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (Spanish premiere)
- Anniversary
- Boston Concerto
- Dialogues
- Oboe Concerto
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- What Next? (Italian premiere)
- Anniversary
- Oboe Concerto
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- 90+
- 90+
- Caténaires (Spanish premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Intermittences
- Retrouvailles
- Tempo e Tempi (Italian premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Two Diversions
- Oboe Quartet
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 4
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Triple Duo
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Night Fantasies
- Cello Concerto (Italian premiere)
- Dialogues
- Figment III (World Premiere)
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Variations for Orchestra
- The Minotaur
- Horn Concerto (Dutch premiere)
- Mosaic (Italian premiere)
- Double Concerto
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Mosaic
- Triple Duo
- Figment IV (World Premiere)
- Of Challenge and of Love
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Gra
- Gra
- Penthode
- Triple Duo
- Boston Concerto
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Fragment No. 1
- Intermittences
- Mosaic
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Scrivo in Vento
- String Quartet No. 4
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- String Quartet No. 5
- Caténaires
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Retrouvailles
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Trilogy
- Sonata for Violoncello and Piano
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Asko Concerto
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Tempo e Tempi
- Three Poems of Robert Frost
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 1
- String Quartet No. 2
- String Quartet No. 3
- Call
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Gra
- Hiyoku
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Two Diversions
- Voyage
- 90+
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Soundings
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Brass Quintet
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord
- Cello Concerto
- Soundings
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (New York premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (Spanish premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- String Quartet No. 5
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Oboe Quartet
- Scrivo in Vento
- String Quartet No. 5
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 5
- Holiday Overture
- Asko Concerto
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- 4 Lauds
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Steep Steps
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Oboe Quartet
- Scrivo in Vento
- Triple Duo
- Double Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Double Concerto
- La Musique (New York premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Brass Quintet
- Caténaires
- Figment IV (US premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Figment IV
- Figment IV
- Figment IV
- Dialogues
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Oboe Concerto
- Of Rewaking
- Holiday Overture
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 2
- Figment III
- Figment IV
- Triple Duo
- String Quartet No. 2
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Symphonia: Partita
- Holiday Overture
- Symphonia: Partita
- Holiday Overture
- Caténaires (Japanese premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Enchanted Preludes
- Retrouvailles
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Dialogues
- Asko Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- In the Distances of Sleep (Dutch premiere)
- Clarinet Quintet (World Premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Triple Duo
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (Hungarian premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Dialogues
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 5
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Dialogues (Czech premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- Dialogues
- Mosaic
- Mosaic
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Caténaires (German premiere)
- Penthode
- Symphony No. 1
- Enchanted Preludes
- Asko Concerto
- Inner Song
- Triple Duo
- Figment III
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Woodwind Quintet
- Clarinet Concerto
- Woodwind Quintet
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Tempo e Tempi
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Cello Concerto (German premiere)
- Cello Concerto
- Cello Concerto
- Caténaires (UK premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Call
- Clarinet Concerto
- Dialogues
- Luimen
- Réflexions (US premiere)
- Sound Fields (World Premiere)
- Double Concerto
- Variations for Orchestra
- Matribute (US premiere)
- Penthode
- Tempo e Tempi
- Triple Duo
- Night Fantasies
- Syringa
- Night Fantasies
- Au Quai
- Caténaires
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- In the Distances of Sleep
- Intermittences
- Mad Regales (World Premiere)
- Mosaic (US premiere)
- Trilogy
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Cello Concerto
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- String Quartet No. 2
- Holiday Overture
- Concerto for Orchestra
- 4 Lauds
- Boston Concerto
- Figment III
- Figment IV
- Horn Concerto
- Steep Steps
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Oboe Concerto
- A 6 Letter Letter
- 90+
- Bariolage
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment
- Gra
- Immer Neu
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Shard
- Au Quai
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Retracing
- Retrouvailles
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Steep Steps
- String Quartet No. 5
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Scrivo in Vento
- Canon for Three Equal Instruments “In Memoriam Igor Stravinsky”
- Au Quai
- Figment III
- Soundings (UK premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Gra
- Penthode
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Horn Concerto (Italian premiere)
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Scrivo in Vento
- Horn Concerto
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Triple Duo
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Scrivo in Vento
- 90+
- Flute Concerto (World Premiere)
- Retrouvailles
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Intermittences
- Horn Concerto (German premiere)
- Of Rewaking
- Soundings
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (German premiere)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Retrouvailles
- Steep Steps
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine
- Fragment No. 1
- 90+
- Intermittences
- Retrouvailles
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- Symphonia: Partita (Polish premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (Scottish premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Birthday Flourish
- Enchanted Preludes
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Retracing
- Scrivo in Vento
- A Fantasy about Purcell’s “Fantasia upon One Note”
- Canon for Three Equal Instruments “In Memoriam Igor Stravinsky”
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Woodwind Quintet
- Caténaires
- Asko Concerto
- Double Concerto
- Canonic Suite (clarinets)
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy
- Three Poems of Robert Frost
- Inner Song
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment III (European premiere)
- Figment IV
- Gra
- Mosaic (French premiere)
- Retrouvailles
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- String Quartet No. 5
- 90+
- 90+
- Retrouvailles
- Horn Concerto
- Horn Concerto
- Au Quai
- Horn Concerto
- Steep Steps
- Asko Concerto
- Cello Concerto
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment IV
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment
- Caténaires
- Changes
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Fragment No. 1
- Fragment No. 2
- Hiyoku
- Retrouvailles
- Two Diversions
- Duo for Violin and Piano
- Canonic Suite (alto saxophones)
- Glock Birthday Fanfare
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Harvest Home
- Harvest Home
- Of Rewaking
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (Portugese premiere)
- Of Rewaking
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Figment III
- Of Rewaking
- Dialogues
- Harvest Home
- Mad Regales (New York premiere)
- Luimen
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Scrivo in Vento
- Soundings (Swiss premiere)
- Variations for Orchestra
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Soundings
- Variations for Orchestra
- Changes
- Cello Concerto (Austrian premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Symphony No. 1
- Gra
- Luimen
- Trilogy
- Caténaires (French premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- Gra
- Harvest Home
- Mad Regales (European premiere)
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Retrouvailles
- Sound Fields (European premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- Luimen
- Gra
- Changes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- 90+
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Retracing
- Scrivo in Vento
- Steep Steps
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- String Quartet No. 2
- Symphony No. 1
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- A 6 Letter Letter
- 90+
- Bariolage
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment IV
- Gra
- Inner Song
- Retrouvailles
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Scrivo in Vento
- Trilogy
- 90+
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Retrouvailles
- Two Diversions
- Caténaires
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Triple Duo
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Duo for Violin and Piano
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord
- Penthode
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Triple Duo
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Tintinnabulation (World Premiere)
- Night Fantasies
- Luimen
- What Next? (Austrian premiere)
- Interventions (World Premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (French premiere)
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Symphony No. 1
- String Quartet No. 2
- String Quartet No. 3
- String Quartet No. 1
- Symphony No. 1
- Horn Concerto
- Mosaic
- Réflexions
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- What Next?
- Symphony No. 1
- Night Fantasies
- 90+
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment III
- Gra
- Retrouvailles
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Tempo e Tempi
- Tintinnabulation (Australian premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- 90+
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Horn Concerto
- Mosaic
- Retrouvailles
- Tempo e Tempi
- Triple Duo
- Two Diversions
- What Next?
- Night Fantasies
- 4 Lauds
- Three Illusions for Orchestra (Finnish premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Night Fantasies
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- 4 Lauds (French premiere)
- A 6 Letter Letter
- 90+
- Asko Concerto
- Caténaires
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Concerto
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Dialogues
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Horn Concerto (UK premiere)
- Intermittences
- Interventions (New York premiere)
- Luimen
- Matribute (UK premiere)
- Mosaic
- Oboe Quartet
- Penthode
- Retrouvailles
- Scrivo in Vento
- Scrivo in Vento
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei (Finnish premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Two Diversions
- What Next?
- Double Concerto
- A 6 Letter Letter
- 90+
- 90+
- Asko Concerto
- Birthday Flourish
- Boston Concerto
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Duettino (World Premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Gra
- Horn Concerto
- Mosaic (New York premiere)
- La Musique
- Réflexions (Portugese premiere)
- Réflexions
- Retrouvailles
- Sound Fields (German premiere)
- Steep Steps
- Tempo e Tempi (Portugese premiere)
- Two Diversions
- Two Diversions
- What Next?
- The Minotaur, Suite from the Ballet
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine
- Asko Concerto
- Caténaires
- Clarinet Quintet
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Harvest Home
- Intermittences
- Let's Be Gay
- Luimen
- Mad Regales (German premiere)
- Matribute
- Mosaic
- Oboe Quartet
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tempo e Tempi
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Three Poems of Robert Frost
- Tarantella
- 90+
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Luimen
- Retrouvailles
- Tempo e Tempi
- Two Diversions
- Holiday Overture
- Three Poems of Robert Frost
- Holiday Overture
- Boston Concerto
- Cello Concerto
- Horn Concerto (London premiere)
- Mad Regales (UK premiere)
- Remembrance
- Sound Fields (UK premiere)
- Wind Rose (World Premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- Remembrance
- 90+
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Retrouvailles
- Two Diversions
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Symphonia: Allegro scorrevole
- Intermittences
- Caténaires
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- In the Distances of Sleep
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Caténaires
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment III
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky
- Tempo e Tempi
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment III
- 4 Lauds (Norwegian premiere)
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Clarinet Concerto
- Figment III
- Inner Song
- 4 Lauds
- Changes
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- Au Quai
- Dialogues
- Réflexions
- Asko Concerto
- 90+
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Retrouvailles
- Two Diversions
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Duettino (European premiere)
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- 4 Lauds
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Asko Concerto
- Dialogues
- Duettino (German premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Mosaic
- Oboe Quartet
- Trilogy
- 90+
- 90+
- Caténaires
- Intermittences
- Matribute
- Retrouvailles
- Retrouvailles
- Two Diversions
- String Quartet No. 4
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tempo e Tempi
- Triple Duo
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Figment
- Scrivo in Vento
- Mosaic (Finnish premiere)
- Figment
- Triple Duo
- Holiday Overture
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Enchanted Preludes
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- String Quartet No. 5
- Réflexions
- Dialogues
- Réflexions
- String Quartet No. 5
- Réflexions
- String Quartet No. 5
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Réflexions
- Three Poems of Robert Frost
- Réflexions
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Figment III
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Figment III
- Symphonia: Partita
- Figment III
- Symphonia: Partita
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Figment III
- Figment III
- The Harmony of Morning
- Enchanted Preludes
- Tintinnabulation
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment IV (UK premiere)
- Mosaic
- Oboe Quartet
- Scrivo in Vento
- Tempo e Tempi
- Clarinet Concerto
- Clarinet Quintet (European premiere)
- Clarinet Quintet (Finnish premiere)
- Clarinet Quintet
- Enchanted Preludes
- Fragment No. 1
- Triple Duo
- Tintinnabulation
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Interventions (German premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Fragment No. 1
- 4 Lauds
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Interventions
- Mosaic
- Oboe Quartet
- Trilogy
- The Harmony of Morning
- Figment V (World Premiere)
- Variations for Orchestra
- Dialogues
- Mosaic
- Triple Duo
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Cello Concerto
- Sound Fields
- Triple Duo
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Fragment No. 2 (Czech premiere)
- Inner Song
- Mosaic
- Steep Steps
- Cello Concerto
- Soundings
- Symphony No. 1
- Soundings
- Holiday Overture
- In the Distances of Sleep
- Dialogues
- Flute Concerto (European premiere)
- Dialogues
- Flute Concerto
- Dialogues
- Flute Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment III
- Figment V (European premiere)
- Gra
- Mosaic
- Scrivo in Vento
- Sound Fields
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Figment III
- Oboe Quartet
- String Quartet No. 5
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Fratribute (World Premiere)
- Matribute
- Matribute
- Mosaic
- On Conversing with Paradise (World Premiere)
- Sistribute (World Premiere)
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Symphony No. 1
- Inner Song
- Symphony No. 1
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Triple Duo
- Mosaic
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky (World premiere complete)
- Clarinet Concerto
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky (Israeli premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Mosaic (South Korean premiere)
- Clarinet Quintet
- Triple Duo
- Fratribute (US premiere)
- Matribute (US premiere)
- Sistribute (US premiere)
- Mosaic
- Triple Duo
- Duettone (World Premiere)
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Triple Duo
- Night Fantasies
- Dialogues
- Enchanted Preludes
- Inner Song
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Two Diversions
- Dialogues
- Enchanted Preludes
- Inner Song
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Two Diversions
- Luimen
- Dialogues
- Enchanted Preludes
- Inner Song
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Two Diversions
- Symphonia: Partita
- Oboe Concerto
- Symphonia: Partita
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Horn Concerto (Swiss premiere)
- Horn Concerto
- Tintinnabulation (New York premiere)
- Hiyoku
- The Harmony of Morning
- Oboe Quartet
- Symphony No. 1
- Figment
- Figment III
- Syringa
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy
- 90+
- Figment V (Italian premiere)
- Gra
- Tintinnabulation (European premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky (European premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- Holiday Overture
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Dialogues
- Flute Concerto (US premiere)
- Flute Concerto
- Flute Concerto
- Nine by Five (World Premiere)
- Retracing II (World Premiere)
- Tre Duetti (World premiere of version)
- Wind Rose (US premiere)
- Flute Concerto (Japanese premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Flute Concerto
- Flute Concerto
- Intermittences
- Tintinnabulation (Swiss premiere)
- On Conversing with Paradise (Asian premiere)
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky (UK premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Triple Duo
- Tintinnabulation
- Tintinnabulation
- On Conversing with Paradise (US premiere)
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Variations for Orchestra
- Triple Duo
- Inner Song
- Intermittences
- 4 Lauds
- Anniversary
- Gra
- On Conversing with Paradise (New York premiere)
- Figment V (UK premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky
- What Are Years (World Premiere)
- Tintinnabulation
- Holiday Overture
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- What Are Years (US premiere)
- Figment III
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- 90+
- Fratribute
- Matribute
- Sistribute
- Two Diversions
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- What Are Years (Swiss premiere)
- Variations for Orchestra
- Call
- Variations for Orchestra
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- 4 Lauds
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- String Quartet No. 5
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord
- Triple Duo
- Au Quai
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine
- Holiday Overture
- Fragment No. 2
- Triple Duo
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (World Premiere)
- Flute Concerto (Canadian premiere)
- Nine by Five (Canadian premiere)
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky (Canadian premiere)
- Tre Duetti (Canadian premiere)
- Symphony No. 1
- Mosaic
- Oboe Quartet
- Figment III
- Figment V
- Oboe Quartet
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Steep Steps
- Caténaires
- On Conversing with Paradise (French premiere)
- Tintinnabulation
- Sound Fields
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Inner Song
- Asko Concerto
- Penthode (Portugese premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tre Duetti (European premiere)
- Tre Duetti
- Tre Duetti
- Tre Duetti
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Clarinet Quintet (UK premiere)
- Hiyoku
- Bariolage
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Oboe Concerto
- Hiyoku
- Oboe Concerto
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Oboe Concerto
- Asko Concerto
- String Quartet No. 5
- Scrivo in Vento
- String Quartet No. 5
- Holiday Overture
- Holiday Overture
- Triple Duo
- Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (US premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- Triple Duo
- Two Diversions
- Conversations, from "Two Controversies and a Conversation" (World Premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- What Are Years (German premiere)
- Flute Concerto (UK premiere)
- Enchanted Preludes
- Holiday Overture
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Figment
- Gra
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Figment IV
- Flute Concerto (New York premiere)
- Symphony No. 1
- Retracing II
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino (World premiere of ballet)
- Duettino (World premiere of ballet)
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger (World premiere of ballet)
- Figment (World premiere of ballet)
- Gra (World premiere of ballet)
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Duettino
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Figment
- Gra
- 4 Lauds
- Double Trio (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Mad Regales
- Penthode
- Duettino
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment
- Triple Duo
- Night Fantasies
- Enchanted Preludes
- Trije glasbeniki (World Premiere)
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Holiday Overture
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Sound Fields (Slovenian premiere)
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Symphony No. 1
- Anniversary
- A Celebration of Some 100 x 150 Notes
- Remembrance
- Sound Fields
- Three Occasions for Orchestra
- Nine by Five (Slovenian premiere tbc)
- Triple Duo (Slovenian premiere)
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord
- Woodwind Quintet
- Flute Concerto (Slovenian premiere)
- Gra
- Scrivo in Vento
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Let's Be Gay
- The Defense of Corinth
- Let's Be Gay
- Luimen
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine
- Tarantella
- Flute Concerto
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Mosaic (Slovenian premiere)
- Quintet for piano and winds
- Retracing
- Retracing II
- Retracing III (World Premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi (Slovenian premiere)
- Trilogy
- Flute Concerto
- Flute Concerto
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras
- Flute Concerto
- Bariolage
- Double Trio (US premiere)
- Duettino
- Figment IV
- Figment V
- Hiyoku
- Mnemosyné (World Premiere)
- Retracing
- Retracing III (US premiere)
- Rigmarole (World Premiere)
- String Trio (World Premiere)
- A Sunbeam's Architecture (World Premiere)
- Trije glasbeniki (US premiere)
- Elliott Carter 103rd Birthday Concert
- Figment
- Trije glasbeniki (Canadian premiere)
- Three Explorations (World Premiere)
- 90+
- Two Diversions
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- String Quartet No. 5
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Figment VI (World Premiere)
- String Quartet No. 5
- Sound Fields
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- String Trio (Norwegian premiere)
- Flute Concerto (Italian premiere)
- Luimen
- Cello Concerto (Spanish premiere)
- Caténaires
- Two Diversions
- Dialogues (Finnish premiere)
- Dialogues
- Triple Duo
- Retracing
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Tintinnabulation
- Tintinnabulation
- Mosaic
- 4 Lauds
- Figment V
- Triple Duo
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Interventions
- Let's Be Gay
- Gra
- The Minotaur
- Three Explorations (US West Coast premiere)
- String Trio (Swiss premiere)
- Trije glasbeniki (Swiss premiere)
- 4 Lauds
- Soundings
- Soundings
- Figment III (Luxembourg premiere)
- Figment IV (Luxembourg premiere)
- Figment VI (Luxembourg premiere)
- HBHH (Luxembourg premiere)
- Soundings
- Two Controversies and a Conversation (World Premiere)
- Two Controversies and a Conversation
- 4 Lauds
- Interventions (UK premiere)
- Shard
- Triple Duo
- Two Controversies and a Conversation (UK premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Shard
- Asko Concerto
- Holiday Overture
- Double Trio
- Figment VI (Austrian premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- What Next? (Australian premiere)
- What Next?
- Flute Concerto
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Symphony No. 1
- Holiday Overture
- Heart Not So Heavy As Mine
- Cello Concerto
- Scrivo in Vento
- Cello Concerto
- Double Trio
- Triple Duo
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Flute Concerto
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (Japanese premiere)
- Oboe Quartet
- Dialogues II (World Premiere)
- Symphonia: Partita (Austrian premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Flute Concerto (South American premiere)
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- Fratribute
- Dialogues II (German premiere)
- Fratribute
- What Next? (French premiere staged)
- Variations for Orchestra
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- What Next?
- Triple Duo
- Figment III
- Bariolage
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Figment IV
- Gra
- Hiyoku
- String Quartet No. 5
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Figment
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Gra
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Tempo e Tempi
- Tre Duetti
- Mosaic
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Mosaic
- Luimen (US West Coast premiere)
- Instances (World Premiere)
- Instances
- Instances
- 90+
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Gra
- Retrouvailles
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Two Controversies and a Conversation (French premiere)
- Double Trio (UK premiere)
- Asko Concerto
- Double Trio (Spanish premiere)
- Tintinnabulation
- Asko Concerto
- Double Trio
- Asko Concerto
- Flute Concerto
- Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (European premiere)
- Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra
- A Sunbeam's Architecture (European premiere)
- Tintinnabulation
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Double Concerto
- Double Trio
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Double Concerto
- Sound Fields
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- 90+
- Tempo e Tempi
- Tri-Tribute
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Variations for Orchestra
- Double Trio
- Triple Duo
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- Variations for Orchestra
- Luimen
- Luimen
- Triple Duo
- Sonata for Violoncello and Piano
- 90+
- Holiday Overture
- Dialogues
- Dialogues II (UK premiere)
- Epigrams (World Premiere)
- Rigmarole (UK premiere)
- String Trio (UK premiere)
- Trije glasbeniki (UK premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Mosaic
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Asko Concerto
- Instances
- Epigrams (US premiere)
- Sound Fields
- Figment III
- Asko Concerto
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- Flute Concerto
- Hiyoku
- Inner Song
- Retracing III
- Retrouvailles
- Rigmarole
- Steep Steps
- Tempo e Tempi
- Flute Concerto
- Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (one player)
- Oboe Quartet
- Triple Duo
- Variations for Orchestra
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Flute Concerto (Swiss premiere)
- 90+
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Mad Regales
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Clarinet Concerto
- Sound Fields
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Concerto for Orchestra
- Voyage
- A 6 Letter Letter
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Steep Steps
- Tempo e Tempi
- Double Trio (German premiere)
- Figment
- Gra (trombone version)
- Luimen
- Retracing V
- Shard
- Sound Fields
- Clarinet Concerto
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo
- Tempo e Tempi
- Quintet for piano and string quartet
- Woodwind Quintet
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Asko Concerto
- Cello Concerto
- Hiyoku
- String Quartet No. 5
- Figment II—Remembering Mr. Ives
- String Quartet No. 5
- Instances (German premiere)
- Instances
- String Quartet No. 5
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- String Trio
- String Trio
- Enchanted Preludes
- Mosaic
- String Trio
- Remembrance
- Remembrance
- Remembrance
- Figment V
- Epigrams
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II
- Wind Rose
- Double Concerto
- String Quartet No. 5
- Tintinnabulation
- Violin Concerto
- Violin Concerto
- Sound Fields (Swiss premiere)
- Trilogy
- Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (Swiss premiere)
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Pocahontas, Suite from the Ballet
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- In Sleep, in Thunder
- Tre Duetti (Australian premiere)
- Boston Concerto
- Epigrams
- Tri-Tribute
- Two Controversies and a Conversation
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Dialogues
- Dialogues II
- Symphonia: sum fluxae pretium spei
- Variations for Orchestra
- Holiday Overture
- Instances (New York premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- Holiday Overture
- Asko Concerto
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy
- Instances (UK premiere)
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment V
- Figment V
- Caténaires
- Retrouvailles
- String Quartet No. 3
- Tintinnabulation
- Enchanted Preludes
- Asko Concerto
- String Quartet No. 3
- String Quartet No. 3
- Epigrams (German premiere)
- Holiday Overture
- Sound Fields (Polish premiere)
- Tempo e Tempi
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Epigrams
- Clarinet Concerto
- Epigrams
- Flute Concerto
- String Quartet No. 3
- String Quartet No. 3
- Dialogues II (Austrian premiere)
- Two Controversies and a Conversation (Austrian premiere)
- Dialogues II
- Two Controversies and a Conversation
- Symphony No. 1
- Symphony No. 1
- Au Quai
- Duettino
- Duettone
- Enchanted Preludes
- Inner Song
- Retracing II
- Flute Concerto (Austrian premiere)
- What Are Years (Austrian premiere)
- Epigrams (Austrian premiere)
- Instances (Austrian premiere)
- Sound Fields (Austrian premiere)
- Sound Fields (Irish premiere)
- Epigrams (Finnish premiere)
- What Are Years (French premiere)
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Double Concerto
- Fantasy—Remembering Roger
- Dialogues
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Dialogues
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Figment V
- The American Sublime (World Premiere)
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky
- Clarinet Concerto
- String Trio (German premiere)
- String Trio
- The Harmony of Morning
- Canon for 4 – Homage To William
- Wind Rose
- Triple Duo
- Woodwind Quintet
- Triple Duo
- Enchanted Preludes
- Holiday Overture
- Inner Song
- Holiday Overture
- Au Quai
- Poems of Louis Zukofsky
- Rhapsodic Musings
- Statement—Remembering Aaron
- Enchanted Preludes
- Figment IV
- Oboe Quartet
- Scrivo in Vento
- Tre Duetti
- Symphony No. 1
- Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux
- Asko Concerto
- Mosaic
- Tintinnabulation
- Triple Duo
- Clarinet Concerto
- Holiday Overture
- Three Poems of Robert Frost
- Flute Concerto
- Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Flute Concerto
- The Harmony of Morning
- Epigrams
- The American Sublime
- On Conversing with Paradise
- A Sunbeam's Architecture
- Tintinnabulation
- What Are Years
- A Sunbeam's Architecture
- String Quartet No. 5
- Wind Rose
- Instances
- Triple Duo
- Mosaic
- Asko Concerto
- Mosaic
- Oppens in Tempe
- Juilliard String Quartet at Alice Tully Hall
- Bariolage (Premiere of ballet)
- Figment
- Carter's Canon for 3 in Toronto
- String Quartet No. 5
- Pacifica Quartet at 92nd Street Y
- Alexandra Joan at Bargemusic
- Triple Duo
- Sound Fields
- Inner Song
- Ivan Podyomov plays Carter's Inner Song
- Inner Song
- Inner Song
- IRIS Orchestra plays Carter Symphony No. 1
- 90+ in Fairbanks
- Triple Duo
- Triple Duo in Belfast
- Double Trio (Singapore premiere)
- Singapore premiere of the Double Trio
- Double Trio
- Canon for 3
- Oliver Knussen conducts the Double Trio in London
- Asko Concerto
- Mosaic
- Mosaic in Switzerland
- Asko Concerto
- Mosaic
- Tamara Stefanovich plays Carter in London
- String Quartet No. 1
- Mosaic
- Scrivo in Vento
- Pahud plays Carter: Un Tour du Monde
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Ebb & Flow Arts present Duo Diorama
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord
- Elliott's Ears and Eras at Longy
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Figment IV
- Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi
- Rigmarole
- After Work Concert: Leipzig & America
- Sound Fields
- Sound Fields
- Sound Fields
- Epigrams
- Aimard & Epigrams
- Enchanted Preludes
- Unerhörte Musik
- Oboe Concerto
- Vilém Veverka plays the Elliott Carter Oboe Concerto in Prague
- Ensemble Schwerpunkt plays the Carter Brass Quintet
- Epigrams in Saarbrücken
- Epigrams
- Soirée 2 «Inner Song»
- Two Controversies and a Conversation
- Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra plays Two Controversies and a Conversation
- Clarinet Concerto (Serbian premiere)
- Clarinet Concerto (Serbian premiere)
- Triple Duo
- Talea Ensemble plays Triple Duo at the ReMusik Festival 2016, St. Petersburg
- Chamber Works for violin and cello by Honegger, Carter, Skalkottas
- Lecture Concert by Mari Asakawa featuring Carter's Night Fantasies
- Oboe Concerto (Brazilian premiere)
- Oboe Concerto Brazillian premiere in São Paulo
- Oboe Concerto
- Oboe Concerto
- What Next? (Premiere of new production)
- Duisburger Philharmoniker: What Next?
- What Next?
- NZTrio plays Epigrams: ART³: ZOOM
- Sound Fields
- Sound Fields at Aldeburgh
- Figment V
- Colin Currie plays Figment V at the RNCM
- A Sunbeam's Architecture (UK premiere)
- A Sunbeam’s Architecture U.K. Premiere
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Two Diversions
- Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Ursula Oppens & Jerome Lowenthal in Naples
- Ursula Oppens with Jerome Lowenthal
- Penthode
- Penthode on Prom 65
- Oboe Concerto
- Saisoneröffnung - Musikkollegium Winterthur
- Oboe Concerto
- Soundings
- Woodwind Quintet
- Members of the Cleveland Orchestra play Carter's Woodwind Quintet
- Asko Concerto
- MACE plays Carter's Asko Concerto
- Mari Asakawa Piano Recital
- Mari Asakawa plays Night Fantasies
- Miranda Cuckson plays 4 Lauds
- Asko Concerto
- Eastman Musica Nova Ensemble plays Asko Concerto
- Sound Fields
- Chamber Orchestra of the Springs plays Sound Fields
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Oboe Concerto
- Sound Fields
- Oboe Concerto in Hamburg
- Soli Fan Tutti
- William Hobbs plays the Carter Piano Sonata
- Oboe Concerto
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Au Quai
- Mosaic
- Heinz Holliger conducts Mosaic in Lausanne
- BCMG plays Au Quai at Wigmore
- A Symphony of Three Orchestras at Donaueschingen
- Ursula Oppens plays Carter at Bargemusic
- Ensemble 212 plays Jeffrey Mumford's Cello Concerto in memoriam Elliott Carter
- Tintinnabulation
- Tintinnabulation at MSM
- Pianist Sandra Gu Plays Carter
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Luimen
- Nieuw Ensemble's Double Portrait of Elliott Carter & Franco Donatoni
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Luimen
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa - Omaggio a Italo Calvino
- Luimen
- Wartburg Community Symphony plays Holiday Overture
- Imani Winds play Carter
- Footnotes: Fifth Annual Concert of New Music for Voice and Guitar
- Contact! at National Sawdust
- What Next? - A New Production in Stuttgart
- What Next? (Premiere of new production)
- What Next?
- 100 Years of Composing in America
- ÖENM plays Carter for Mozartwoche
- Caténaires
- What Next?
- Mane Davtyan plays Caténaires in Amsterdam
- Triple Duo
- Tactus plays Triple Duo
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Figment V in Washington, D.C.
- Figment V
- What Next?
- What Next?
- Penthode
- Penthode
- Palimpsest Ensemble Plays Penthode
- Triple Duo
- BCMG plays Triple Duo
- Réflexions
- Réflexions in Biel
- Arditti Quartet plays Carter String Quartet No. 5
- The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center plays Carter
- Epigrams at the Badenweiler Musiktage
- Ensemble Blank plays Triple Duo
- Tamara Stefanovich plays Carter
- Open House: A Day of Music by Elliott Carter
- American Spirit
- ÖENM plays Bariolage and Triple Duo
- Bariolage
- Triple Duo
- Inverted Space Ensemble plays Triple Duo & Shard
- Sydney Symphony plays Elliott Carter's Variations
- Ensemble Montaigne plays Triple Duo
- Cantata Profana plays Carter's Double Concerto
- Performance and Lecture by Mari Asakawa
- Voiceworks at the Guildhall School
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy in Potsdam
- Carter at the Composers Conference Contemporary Performance Institute
- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy at Marlboro Music
- Quintet for piano and string quartet at the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Carter's Mirror & Hoffer's Concerto
- Soli fan tutti: Triple Duo in Darmstadt
- Österreichisches Ensemble für Neue Musik plays Carter
- Thomas Kolor plays Carter in Dublin
- JACK Quartet plays Carter String Quartet No. 2
- Carter's Voyage and the Peter Hulsen Orchestral Song Award
- Aimard plays Caténaires
- Ursula Oppens plays Carter at Bargemusic
- NMC Ensemble plays Carter
- Mivos Quartet plays Berg, Stravinsky, Carter, and Mumford
- Tactus plays A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- Celebrating Elliott Carter's 109th Birthday
- All-Carter Concert by the Ensemble Intercontemporain
- Asko | Schönberg plays ASKO Concerto
- Instances with Sir Simon Rattle and the LSO
- Mari Asakawa plays Carter in Tokyo
- Birmingham Contemporary Music Group Celebrating Elliott Carter
- Con Leggerezza Pensosa in San Francisco
- OpenICE and Trilogy
- JACK Quartet plays Carter String Quartet No. 2
- Berkeley Ensemble plays Carter
- The Harmony of Morning at Harvard
- The Israeli Chamber Project plays Carter
- Ensemble intercontemporain plays Carter
- Novi Cantori performs Carter
- Colin Currie @ Schubert Club Mix
- Anne Rainwater at CNMAT
- The Harmony of Mornings - Concert by Melodia Women's Choir
- Soloists of the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken play Carter
- The Exploding New York Musical Spectrum
- Chamber Orchestra of Europe plays Carter
- Duo Diorama plays Carter Duo for Violin and Piano
- JACK Quartet plays Carter String Quartet No. 3
- Jörg Widmen plays Elliott Carter's Clarinet Concerto
- Daniel Lippel plays Shard in Bogotá
- Mosaic in Leipzig
- A Mirror on Which to Dwell at Marlboro
- Carter String Quartet No. 1 at Yellow Barn
- Asko Concerto at Klangspuren
- IEMA-Ensemble plays Asko Concerto in Frankfurt
- Mari Asakawa plays Carter, Babbitt, and Link
- All-Carter Concert at the Biennale Musica 2018 in Venice
- Adam Walker plays Scrivo in Vento
- Ensemble Signal plays Triple Duo in Buffalo
- Carter and Beyond: Invention and Inspiration
- The Orchestra Now plays Carter Variations
- JACK plays Carter String Quartet No. 3
- Sound Fields in Baar
- Less is More: Psappha plays Carter
- Conversations at the RCM, London
- Journée Elliott Carter
- Dorian Wind Quintet on Music Mondays
- Only at Merkin with Terrance McKnight: Ursula Oppens 75th Birthday Tribute
- Carter at Mostly Music
- Ursula Oppens plays Carter at the Approximation Festival
- Irvine Arditti plays the Carter Violin Concerto in Porto
- Soli fan tutti: Rigmarole in Darmstadt
- Aimard & COE play Carter in Berlin
- Aimard & COE play Carter in Köln
- Chamber Orchestra of Europe plays Mozart + Carter
- Nash Ensemble plays Carter in London
- Ursula Oppens at Greenwich House
- Nash Ensemble plays Mosaic
- JACK Quartet plays the Complete Carter String Quartets
- Philharmonisches Orchester Augsburg plays Asko Concerto
- Bielefelder Philharmoniker plays Three Illusions for Orchestra
- George Fu plays Two Thoughts About the Piano
- Cristina Gómez Godoy plays Inner Song
- Carter Woodwind Quintet in Antwerp
- Pierre-Laurent Aimard plays Carter at Aldeburgh
- Fred Fest Northwest: Fred Sherry and Friends play Carter
- Double Concerto at the Aspen Festival
- Carter Double Concerto at the Aspen Music Festival
- Carter & Ives in Budapest
- Minnesota Orchestra And Osmo Vänskä Play Three Illusions for Orchestra
- Double Concerto at the Across the Atlantic Festival
- Emmanuel Pahud plays Scrivo in Vento
- Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
- Carter on the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center's 50th Season
- American Trailblazers: Carter at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
- Conrad Tao plays Carter at Weill
- Axiom plays Mosaic
- Emmanuel Pahud plays Elliott Carter's Flute Concerto in Seoul
- Ensemble Intercontemporain and Brad Lubman play Triple Duo
- Adagio tenebroso in Berlin
- Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin plays Adagio tenebroso
- Carter Flute Concerto in Berlin
- Ubu Ensemble plays Dialogues in London
- Ensemble Échappé: Convergences
- Pro Musica Joplin Presets: The Horszowski Trio
- Time's Up
- 21st Century Consort - Time’s Up
- Faculty Artist Series: Matthew Guilford, trombone
- Miller Theatre Pop Up Concerts: Austin Wulliman & Conrad Tao
- Eight Songs for a Mad King
- IEMA-Ensemble plays Triple Duo
- NEXTET New Music
- George Lewis and Elliott Carter at PianoForte Salon
- Wanderer Trio
- Faust, Queyras, Widmann & Aimard
- Epigrams in Madrid
- Three Explorations (European premiere)
- The American Sublime (European premiere)
- Antoine Tamestit & Friends: with Colin Currie
- Solo Pieces by Elliott Carter for Various Instruments
- Drei nach Drei: Eröffnungskonzert
- Mari Asakawa plays Dialogues in Tokyo
- Modern Music Fest – Miranda Cuckson in Concert
- Ballet In The Evening
- Miranda Cuckson at the Stissing Center
- Callithumpian Consort
- Festival Traiettorie
- Mari Asakawa Piano Lecture Recital: Modern Polyphony
- Es Verändert Sich
- Astrig Siranossian & Nathanaël Gouin: Carter, Beethoven, Brahms
- JACK Quartet with Conrad Tao
- Wingra Wind Quintet at Mead Witter School of Music
- BBC SO Totally Tanglewood: Chamber Music
- Letter from America
- The Unanswered Question
- Wilson Music Series 2021 #2: Gwen Krosnick
- California Music Center: Third Thursdays
- Rewind 2: Remembering Beauty
- Franci Festival: Freem Saxophone Quartet
- Black Box Music
- Les Vents Français & Éric Le Sage
- SF Performances Pivot: Jack Quartet and Conrad Tao
- Thierry Fischer Conducts Bach, Wynton Marsalis, Carter & Wagner
- Tactus: Part I and Part II
- Ghost Ensemble Presents: Lucia Stavros & Tyler J. Borden
- Laguna Beach Music Festival: Chromatic Fantasias
- Clara & Johannes Face à la Modernité
- Jared Redmond | Pianist & Composer
- Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker: Fremdkörper
- Astrig Siranossian and Nathanaël Gouin, Dear Mademoiselle
- Tanglewood Music Center Chamber Music Concert
- Boulanger’s Legacy: Modernities
- Young Soloists of the Kronberg Academy
- Wechselspiel
- Salon de Boulanger
- First Fridays with Robert Black: 20th Century Giants
- Geschlossene Spiele
- Salon de Nadia Boulanger
- Music and Memory, an Edward T. Cone Concert
- Festival El Contemporáneo: Grupo Vocal KEA
- Imani Winds
- Traiettorie 2021: Irvine Arditti
- Antoine Tamestit & Friends: with Colin Currie
- Boulanger Trio
- Music from Around the World
- Salon Nadia Boulanger
- Mini Concert: Mirco Ghirardini
- Geschlossene Spiele
- What Love Tells Me
- Carter, Mumford & Beethoven: Pina Napolitano
- Assoli - Il Pianoforte
- Chain Ensemble Performs Mosaic
- AXIOM at The Juilliard School
- Age of Anxiety - An American Journey
- Becoming Beatrix
- Beethoven's Emperor Piano Concerto
- Origin: This Is CLS
- Mari Kawamura, piano - DMA Recital #3
- Horszowski Trio German Tour
- International Concert Series 2022: Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano
- Giuseppe Tartini e i Francescani
- Czech Chamber Music Society - Mahan Esfahani
- Student Recital: Rachel Boehl, horn
- Look + Listen Festival 2022, Day 1: Looking Back
- Eccentric Melodies
- Solos, Duo, Distortion
- Mivos Quartet
- Concert trio avec piano
- Geschlossene Spiele
- Solist*innen Diplomkonzert
- Geschlossene Spiele
- Oliver Knussen Day l
- Tempo and Tempi
- Land of the Free
- MusicTalks: Oh, Youth and Beauty!
- Acht nach Acht: Werke von Mozart und Carter
- Voice of America
- PKF - Prague Philharmonia / USA: John Cage – Elliott Carter
- Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie: Abschlusskonzert 3
- Pierre-Laurent Aimard & Kuss Quartett
- Axiom
- Schönberg e la Sua Eredità Dodecafonica
- WHAT NEXT? Elliott Carter: Estetica e Ricerca
- Jackson Pollock et la musique
- Boulez Ensemble XLVII
- Pierre-Laurent Aimard & Kuss Quartett
- The American Dream
- Atlantic Collective Presents: Autumn in New York
- Faust, Queyras, Widmann & Aimard — Berg, Ravel, Widmann, Carter and Messiaen
- David Lively & Friends
- Wingra Wind Quintet
- The Year 1948
- Les Vents Français & Éric Le Sage
- Nadia Boulanger #1
- 4. Kammerkonzert
- Staatsorchester Darmstadt 4. Sinfoniekonzert
- Mad Song play Clyne, Causton, Carter, and more
- City Life
- BCMG NEXT | Elliott Carter
- Sound & (Not Much) Silence
- Ensemble TM+, Laurent Cuniot
- Jungah Yoon, flute
- Recital: Trio Gaia
- Manyness – Ein Klangkunstwerk für Shirley Jaffe
- Pierre-Laurent Aimard: Piano Fantasies
- TLI Chamber Concert: Barber, Carter, Schifrin, Coleman, Harbison, and D'Rivera
- Yun Encounters: Isang Yun, His Friends and Companions
- Knussen Chamber Orchestra | Explorations
- An Evening of Elliott Carter
- Yellow Barn Concert
- Kelley O'Connor, mezzo-soprano, and Robert Spano, piano
- Neighbors, Lovers and Friends: Michael Kelly and Brad Moore @ Salmagundi
- Horszowski Trio: Chamber Music by Village Composers
- Da Capo Chamber Players: Carter, Karchin, Davis
- Mendelssohn-Festtage Kammerkonzert
- Francisco Coll
- West-Eastern Divan Ensemble & Michael Barenboim
- Michael Barenboim & West-Eastern Divan Ensemble
- Sophie Marcheff - Guitar Wizards from Choro to New Complexity
- Ursula & Friends
- Phillips Collection: Jordan Bak, Ashley Jackson, & Adam Sadberry
- Clarity / Opacity
- Works for Cello and Piano by Boulanger, Carter, Rachmaninoff
- Astrig Siranossian & Nathanaël Gouin: Elternzeit Concert
- Isabelle Faust, violin, Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello and Alexander Melnikov, piano
- »ÖÖÖÖÖ« - Das Kapital der Kunst
- Melnikov-Faust-Queyras Trio
- Philadelphia Chamber Music Society: Pierre-Laurent Aimard
- America the Grand
- San Francisco Performances: Pierre-Laurent Aimard
- Emmanuel Pahud, Sonnings Musikpris 2024
- Music Mondays: Horszowski Trio & Ying Quartet
- Liverpool Wind Collective
- The Unanswered Question
- JACK Quartet
- Wayland Concert Series: Callithumpian Consort
- Porträt Alexander Melnikov: Melnikov & Friends
- JACK Quartet | UKARIA Cultural Centre
- JACK Quartet – String Creatures
- Close Up Concert: Jonathan Aasgaard, cello and William Bracken, piano
- JACK Quartet: Modern Medieval 1
- 50 Years of the Arditti Quartet
- Terrain Festival - Group 2
- RE:voicing 2: Worlds Apart
- Mostly Modern Orchestra ~ David Amado
- El eterno retorno
- Good Music @ The Fringe James Cuddeford – Messages Across Time
- Suntory Hall Summer Festival 2024: The Producer Series IRVINE ARDITTI Chamber Music Concert 2
- End of Course Concert: Composition and Performance
- Friends of Music: WindSync wind quintet
- Concert by Winston Choi and the Soloists of the Orléans Symphony Orchestra
- III. A Tribute to Ruth Crawford …Ein Fest
- IV. A Tribute to Ruth Crawford …Ein Fest
- Cambreling – Dvořák 8. und Saint-Saëns 2. Klavierkonzert
- Ensemble 10:10
- Annie Jacobs-Perkins cello; Dina Ivanova piano
- zeit
- Mannes Sounds Piano Cantabile: An Evening of Music by Elliot Carter
- Jack Quartet, spirito contemporaneo
- 120 Anos Rotary Internacional com Orquestra do Algarve e Rem Urasin
- Bęb-End Smyk
- Worcester Concert Club: Gould Piano Trio
- Carterfest
- Nash Ensemble; Martyn Brabbins conductor; Claire Booth soprano
- JACK Quartet: Carter, Eduardo Aguilar and Helmut Lachenmann
- Pardon Our French!
- MACE-Mannes American Composers Ensemble Spring 2025 Concert
- Carter, Eccles, G Mahler and more
- Carnegie Hall Presents: Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano
- Weltenreisen
- Konsert med Musikhögskolan i Malmös blåsstudenter under ledning av Håkan Hardenberger
- Ensemble Musikfabrik
- Discography
- Elliott Carter: The Complete String Quartets; 100th Anniversary Release
- The Music of Elliott Carter, Volume Seven
- Elliott Carter: Piano Concerto; Variations for Orchestra
- Elliott Carter: Symphonia: Sum Fluxae Pretium Spei
- Elliott Carter: Variations for Orchestra; Double Concerto; Piano Concerto
- Music of Elliott Carter, Volume 9
- Elliott Carter: A Nonesuch Retrospective
- Pacifica Quartet: Elliott Carter: String Quartets Nos. 1 & 5
- The American Brass Quintet: Classic American Brass
- The Juilliard String Quartet: Elliott Carter: The Five String Quartets
- Caroline Chin & Brian Snow: Elliott Carter: 4 Lauds; Figment; Figment II; Tre Duetti
- Carter: Symphonia / Ives: Robert Browning Overture
- Miranda Cuckson & Blair McMillen: Carter, Sessions, Eckardt
- Charles Rosen: Elliott Carter: The Complete Music for Piano
- Music of Elliott Carter, Volume Eight - 16 Compositions (2002-2009)
- Eric Rynes: Mikka And Other Assorted Love Songs
- Pacifica Quartet: Elliott Carter: String Quartets Nos. 2, 3 and 4
- Carter: Clarinet Concerto; Symphonia
- American Classics: Elliott Carter
- Nouvel Ensemble Moderne plays Elliott Carter
- Speculum Musicae: Elliott Carter: The Vocal Works (1975-1981)
- Franklin Cox: The New Cello, Vol. 1: American Composers
- Charles Rosen: Elliott Carter: Night Fantasies; Piano Sonata
- Ives: The Unanswered Question; Elliott Carter: Concerto for Orchestra
- Elliott Carter: Symphony No.1; Piano Concerto
- Sequitur: Concertos
- Sung-Soo Cho: Maximum | Minimum | Modern: Piano Music by American Composers
- The Music of Elliott Carter, Volume Five - Nine Compositions (1994-2002)
- The Music of Elliott Carter, Volume Four
- Ensemble Contrasts: Elliott Carter: Chamber Music for Winds
- Cage, Carter, Babbitt, Schuller
- Oppens Plays Carter
- The Group for Contemporary Music: Elliott Carter: Eight Compositions (1948-1993)
- The Music of Elliott Carter, Volume Six
- Pierre Boulez: Carter: A Symphony of Three Orchestras; Varèse
- Eric Huebner plays Schumann, Carter, and Stravinsky
- Kim Kashkashian & Robert Levin: Elegies
- Ray Jackendoff & John McDonald: Cadenza! Modern American Duos
- Alisa Weilerstein: Elgar & Carter Cello Concertos
- Elliott Carter: Oboe Concerto; Espirit Rude/Esprit Doux; A Mirror on Which to Dwell; Penthode
- Ives: Symphony No. 2 - Carter: Instances - Gershwin: An American in Paris
- The Arditti String Quartet: Elliott Carter: The Works for String Quartet, Volume 2
- The Arditti String Quartet: Elliott Carter: The Works for String Quartet, Volume 1
- Rembrandt Chamber Players: 20th Century Baroque
- What Next?
- James Austin Smith & Bridget Kibbey: Distance
- Elliott Carter: Piano Concerto; Concerto for Orchestra; Three Occasions
- Chicago Pro Musica: Early Chamber Music of Elliott Carter
- Ann Schein: Elliott Carter: Piano Sonata
- Eddy Vanoosthuyse: American Clarinet Concertos
- Michael Nicolella: Shard
- First Recordings: Carter: Concerto for Orchestra; Schuman: In Praise of Shahn
- Elliott Carter: The Four String Quartets; Duo for Violin and Piano
- Elliott Carter: A Symphony of Three Orchestras; A Mirror on Which to Dwell
- New England Conservatory Percussion Ensemble: American Music for Percussion 2
- Elliott Carter: Piano Concerto
- Paul Jacobs: Elliott Carter: Night Fantasies; Piano Sonata
- Elliott Carter: Concerto for Orchestra; Oliver Knussen: Océan de Terre
- Elliott Carter: Concerto for Orchestra; Violin Concerto; Three Occasions
- Elliott Carter: Sonata for Violoncello & Piano; Piano Sonata
- Elliott Carter - A Labyrinth of Time (DVD)
- Elliott Carter: 100th Anniversary Release
- What Next? (DVD)
- Variations
- Elliott Carter: 103rd Birthday Concert
- Pocahontas (suite from the ballet); Piano Sonata
- Elliott Carter: The Minotaur; Colin McPhee: Tabuh-Tabuhan
- Juilliard String Quartet: Elliott Carter: String Quartet No. 2; William Schuman: String Quartet No. 3
- Elliott Carter: Double Concerto; Duo for Violin and PIano
- Elliott Carter: Oboe Concerto; Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux; A Mirror on Which to Dwell; Penthode
- Paul Sperry Sings an American Sampler from Billings to Bolcom
- Pierre-Laurent Aimard: Not Just One Truth (DVD)
- Mary Ann Hart & Dennis Helmrich: Permit Me Voyage
- Lawrence Wheeler & Ruth Tomfohrde: American Music for Viola
- Metamorphosen Chamber Orchestra: American Works for Chamber Orchestra
- Alexandria Choral Society: Darest Thou, O Soul: Twentieth Century American Choral Music
- Joel Krosnick & Gilbert Kalish: In the Shadow of World War II: Cello Sonatas by Prokofiev, Poulenc, & Carter
- 1974 Arditti Quartet 1994
- Ursula Oppens; Arditti String Quartet: Elliott Carter: Chamber Music
- Arditti String Quartet: u.s.a.
- For Stefan Wolpe
- Nieuw Ensemble: Homages & Dedications
- Irvine Arditti: Recital for Violin
- Gert Mortenson: The Contemporary American "C"
- Neue Musik für Schlagzeug
- Anthony Ross & Evelyne Brancart: Carter: Sonata for Cello and Piano
- From the Vault: The Best of the New York Woodwind Quintet v. 1
- David Starobin: Newdance
- Aleck Karis: Chopin, Carter, Schumann
- David Starobin: New Music with Guitar: Selected Works from Volumes 1, 2, & 3
- New Music with Guitar, Volume 2
- Sierra Wind Quintet: Another View: American Classics for Winds
- The Dorian Quintet: Carter/Henze
- Reinhold Friedrich: Modern Trumpet
- hr brass
- Harvard in Song
- Rhonda Rider, cello; Lois Shapiro, piano: Barber; Carter; Shifrin
- Earplay
- Noël Lee: Musique américaine pour piano
- New Art Wind Quintet: An American Woodwind Symposium
- The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
- 40 Jahre Donaueschinger Musiktage 1950-1990
- The Wallace Collection, John Wallace
- Juilliard String Quartet: String Quartets No. 2 & 3
- The Merchant of Venice
- The Walden Quartet of the University of Illinois: Elliott Carter String Quartet
- Elliott Carter: Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello, and Harpsichord
- Elliott Carter: Variations; Double Concerto
- First Recordings: Elliott Carter: Brass Quintet; Eight Pieces for Four Timpani
- First Recording of Naumberg Award Compositions
- New York Woodwind Quintet: Elliott Carter, Gunther Schuller, Irving Fine
- John McCabe: Transatlantic Piano
- Quincy Porter; Elliott Carter
- American Composers Orchestra
- American Masters: Elliott Carter
- Elliott Carter: Orchestral Songs; Complete Choral Music
- Curtis Macomber: Songs of Solitude
- Music of Elliott Carter: Syringa; Concerto for Orchestra
- Elliott Carter: The Early Music
- Contemporary/Classic Masters
- Carolyn Hove: 20th Century Music for English Horn and Oboe
- Paul Cortese: Viola Works
- Westwood Wind Quintet
- Music for Trumpet
- Sylvia Marlowe, Harpsichord
- Elliott Carter: Sonata for Piano; Sonata for Violoncello and Piano
- New Music for Trumpet, Played by Gerard Schwarz
- Boston Symphony Chamber Players: American Chamber Music
- American Music for Chorus
- Beveridge Webster: Modern American Piano Music
- Thomas Demenga: J.S. Bach; Elliott Carter
- 10 Jahre Paul Sacher Stiftung
- Jan DeGaetani & Gilbert Kalish: Songs of America: On Home, Love, Nature, and Death
- Elliott Carter: Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello, and Harpsichord; Sonata for Cello and Piano; Double Concerto
- Elliott Carter: The Minotaur; Piano Sonata; Two Songs
- Elliott Carter: Double Concerto; Leon Kirchner: Concerto
- Boulez: Schoenberg, Berio, Carter, Kurtág, Xenakis
- Sylvio Gualda: Percussion v. 2
- Rolf Hind: 256
- Anssi Karttunen & Tuija Hakkila: Contemporary Music for Cello and Piano
- New York New Music Ensemble: Music of Carter, Davies & Druckman
- Da Capo Chamber Players: Perle/Carter
- Music for Clarinet
- The Art of Michael Rudiakov
- Pastorale
- The Gregg Smith Singers: Elliott Carter: Choral Music
- William Hess & Robert Fizdale: American Songs
- Harvard Glee Club
- London Gabrieli Brass Ensemble: From the Steeples and the Mountains: American Music for Brass
- John Oliver Chorale: Elliott Carter: Emblems
- John Oliver Chorale: Elliott Carter
- Lucy Shelton & John Constable: Of Challenge And Of Love: Complete Songs for Solo Voice & Piano by Igor Stravinsky & Elliott Carter
- John Owings: The Amerian Piano
- Aulos Bläserquintett vol. 1
- Made in the U.S.A.
- First Edition: Elliott Carter: Variations For Orchestra; Everett Helm: Second Piano Concerto
- The York Winds Play Music
- Veda Zuponcic: Elliott Carter: Piano Sonata
- Elliott Carter: The Minotaur; Cowel: Symphony No. 4; Riegger: New Dance
- Ursula Oppens: Carter: Night Fantasies; Adams: Phrygian Gates
- Composers Quartet: Elliott Carter, Milton Babbitt, Mel Powell
- Phyllis Bryn-Julson Sings Three Modern American Song Cycles
- Ursula Oppens: American Piano Music of Our Time
- The Composers Quartet & The Dorian Quintet: Chamber Music by Elliott Carter
- Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet: Summer Music
- The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Three Centuries of Chamber Music
- Tilmann Wick & Heasook Rhee: Cellosonaten von 1948
- Bernstein, Carter, Copland, Fine, Piston: Kammermusik
- Stephen Drury: Contemporary Piano Music
- New Music Series Vol. 3
- Patricia Spencer: The Now and Present Flute
- The California EAR Unit: Modern Chamber Ensemble Compositions
- Contemporary American Music
- The Composers String Quartet Plays Literature of American Contemporary Composers.
- University of Michigan Chamber Choir: Americana
- Maryvonne Le Dizes-Richard: Hidden Sparks
- American Music for Strings
- The Dove Descending
- Elliott Carter: Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello, and Harpsichord; Sonata for Cello and Piano
- The Composers Quartet: Elliott Carter: String Quartets Nos. 1 & 2
- Pastorale
- Evelinde Trenkner: Elliott Carter Piano Sonata
- Inner Song
- Gerard Schwarz Performs New Music for Trumpet
- Florence Millet: Elliott Carter: Night Fantasies; 90+
- Boehm Quintette: American Winds, volume one
- Michael Kieran Harvey: Inspired 20th Century Piano Music
- Arditti String Quartet: Ferneyhough, Harvey, Carter
- The Boston Symphony Chamber Players: Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Copland, Fine, Carter, Piston
- La Sonore Wind Quintet: 20th Century Chamber Music
- Sylvia Marlowe Plays Harpsichord Music of the 20th Century
- Kathleen Chastain: Flute Made in USA
- Choral Music of the 20th Century
- Quintetto Arnold: Musica per Quartetto e Quintetto a Fiati
- Lieurance Woodwind Quintet: Debut Recording
- David Pereira & Lisa Moore: Prokofiev & Carter Cello Sonatas
- Carter: Partita; Berio: Continuo; Takemitsu: Visions
- First Edition: Elliott Carter: Symphony No. 1; Alexei Haieff: Divertimento
- Rosalind Rees & David Starobin: 20th Century Music for Voice and Guitar
- Meriel & Peter Dickinson: An American Anthology
- Aurelia Saxophone Quartet: Blow! Saxophone Music from America
- Ole Bøhn & Noël Lee: Contemporary Music from America
- Peter Lawson: American Piano Sonatas Vol. One
- 20th Century Voices in America
- The Dorian Quintet: The Avant Garde Woodwind Quintet in the U.S.A.
- The Gregg Smith Singers: America Sings (1920-1950)
- America Sings, Vol. V: American Choral Music after 1950
- Elliott Carter: In Sleep, In Thunder; Triple Duo
- Ensemble Contrechamps: Elliott Carter
- The Hamline University A Cappella Choir 1958-59
- Noël Lee: la musique américaine de piano au xxe siècle
- Elliott Carter: Musique de chambre
- Quatuor Jean-Marie Leclair: Musiques du XXe siècle
- Lionel Handy & Nigel Clayton: Carter Cello Sonata
- Matt Haimovitz: Figment
- American Clarinet
- Carter; Wuorinen; Sessions; Di Domenica
- Lauds and Lamentations: Music of Elliott Carter and Isang Yun
- Elliott Carter: Quintets and Voices
- Pierre-Laurent Aimard: Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit; Carter: Night Fantasies
- Winston Choi: Elliott Carter: Complete Piano Works
- Elliott Carter: Choral Works
- Choral Works by Randall Thompson, Elliott Carter, Seymour Shifrin
- Maryvonne Le Dizes-Richard: Hidden Sparks
- Elliott Carter: In Sleep, In Thunder; Triple Duo
- David Starobin: New Music with Guitar, Volume 6
- Martin Perry plays Carter, Bartók, Rózsa
- Hsin-Yun Huang: Viola Viola
- Jennifer Koh: Rhapsodic Musings
- Tamsin Waley-Cohen: Soli
- Double Take: American Reed
- Hommage à Stravinsky
- David Starobin: Favorite Tracks, Vol. 2
- Håkon Austbø: Wanted
- Orion Wess: Solo Piano
- Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet: Summer Music
- Katarzyna Zdybel: Portrait
- Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet: The Seasons
- Kyle Bielfield: Stopping By
- Sharon Bezaly: From A to Z, Vol. 2
- Scott Kluksdahl & Noreen Cassidy-Polera: Sound Vessels
- Southwest Chamber Music: Goehr and Carter
- Chamber Music by Elliott Carter: Figments and Fragments
- Conrad Tao: Pictures
- American Works for Cello and Piano
- Emmanuel Pahud & Christian Rivet: Around the World
- Caroline Stinson: Lines
- Celine Moinet: Oboe
- Reto Bieri: Contrechant
- Leonard Garrison & Jay Mauchley: Looking Back
- Weimarer Blaserquintett: A Recital Experience
- Claire Chase: Terrestre
- Francesca Anderegg: Mozart, Schoenberg, Perle, Schubert, Carter
- Meriel Dickinson & Peter Dickinson: American Song
- Robert Burkhart & Blair McMillen: 20/21
- Christophe Desjardins: Alto/Multiples
- Daniel Lippel: Resonance
- Peter Seivewright: American Piano Sonatas
- Elena Casoli: Changes Chances
- Juilliard String Quartet: Berg, Carter, Schuman
- Hypersuite 2: Music for Solo Cello
- A Place Toward Other Places
- Sonata-Song
- American Harp
- Nataraja
- Immaginosa
- Pavans, Fantasias, Variations
- American Music
- Libero, fragile
- Charles Rosen plays Modern Piano Music
- Icons
- Elliott Carter Late Works
- Capricornia
- 20th Century Sonatas for Cello & Piano by Schnittke, Carter, Rachmaninoff
- New Music for Double Bass and Oboe
- New York
- Elliot [sic] Carter: Sonata for Cello and Piano, Sonata for Piano
- Sonates pour piano: Dutilleux, Bartók, Carter
- XXème Siècle
- Sheer Pluck
- American Piano Works of the 1940s
- Orbit: Music for Solo Cello (1945-2014)
- Paradiso e Inferno: Works for trombone & piano
- James Ehnes: American Chamber Music
- Lucia Kye: NY Counterpoint
- Pleasure is the Law
- Timothy McAllister: Scena
- Wolfgang David: Finnegan's Wake
- Vento Appassionato
- The Flow of Music: Piano Works of Carter & Babbitt
- Rough Wind/Smooth Wind
- Barber, Carter, Griffes & Others: Piano Works
- JACK Quartet First Performance Vol. IV
- Irvine Arditti: Caprices
- Elliott Carter: Pocahontas
- Reflections - Contemporary Works for Double Bass Solo
- Trumpeter Extraordinaire
- Hard Core
- Johannes Brahms / Elliott Carter: Clarinet Quintets
- Lineage
- Tempo e Tempi
- The Art of Carol Lieberman, Vol. 2: Modern Violin
- American Clarinet Treasures
- Dear Mademoiselle
- La Musique
- Turning in Time
- Small is Beautiful
- Music for One Horn
- Elliott Carter: Ballets
- Thoughts About the Piano
- Voyage
- Invisible Colors
- Fantasy
- Carter, Ichiyanagi, Drouet & Solbiati: Contemporary Works for Timpani
- I Got Rhythm
- Changes
- Transatlantique
- Conquest of Melody
- America 1
- Elliott Carter: Oeuvres avec violoncelle
- Happy Birthday, Elliott Carter!
- Copland: Danzón Cubano - Carter: Concerto for Orchestra - Works By Handy, Brubeck & Austin
- Timpani Works Vol. 1: Solo
- Illumine
- Horn Monologues
- Neo/Classic.
- winding UP, winding DOWN
- American Violin Music 1947 to 2000
- Carter: Enchanted Preludes for flute and cello
- Resources
- Contact Us
- Permission Requests